The purpose of this plan is to protect employees from exposure to COVID-19 in CLEBC’s office. To ensure the health and safety of CLEBC employees in our workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented the following policies, guidelines, and procedures in accordance with WorkSafeBC protocols.
This plan applies to all CLEBC employees and all other persons who enter CLEBC’s offices. The Workers Compensation Act requires employers to establish occupational health and safety policies and programs in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, and WorkSafeBC has directed employers to develop a plan to ensure that the risk of transmission of COVID-19 at workplaces is minimized.
Under the Provincial Health Officer orders, we have posted copies of this plan on CLEBC’s website, and at our office, so that it is readily available for review by employees, board members, volunteer contributors, customers, and any other visitors.
Upon request, the employer must provide a copy of the COVID-19 Safety Plan to a health officer or WorkSafeBC officer.
The Leadership Team must support the development, implementation, review of, and compliance with this safety plan.
To make sure employees are involved in managing safety in the office, we have a “Safe Return to the Office” team consisting of the Leadership Team, the Human Resources Manager, and Employee Safety Representatives who will:
This safety plan will be reviewed at least monthly by the Safe Return to the Office team and amended as needed, taking into account the latest available medical guidance, regulations, physical office layout, and operational services.
The Leadership Team must consider if there are any employees who may be at higher risk (e.g., over 60, without childcare for young dependents, or have underlying health conditions (employee or family member in the home) and may require further considerations in planning to return to the office.
The Human Resources Manager is available to assist employees who experience mental health issues related to stress and anxiety due to COVID-19 with information on CLEBC’s Employee Assistance Program.
CLEBC will use the following hierarchy of controls to reduce the risk of person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 in the office, and in the following order:
The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads in several ways. A person is at risk of infection when they inhale droplets or touch a contaminated surface, and then touch their face which increases the risk of the virus entering their body through the mouth, eyes, or broken skin. Symptoms include fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches, a loss of sense of smell and taste.
The risk of person-to-person transmission increases the closer you come to other people, the more time you spend near them, and the more people you come near. Physical distancing measures help mitigate this risk. The risk of surface transmission increases when many people contact the same surface and when those contacts happen over short periods of time. Effective cleaning and hygiene practices help mitigate this risk.
Seniors and people with underlying health issues (including heart disease, diabetes and lung disease) are at highest risk; but young and healthy people are also at risk.
The Safe Return to the Office team considered the following:
Common Areas/Where do people gather?
What job tasks do employees have where they are unable to physically distance by 2 metres?
What tools, machinery and equipment do workers share while working?
What surfaces are touched often?
The office is closed and all employees must work from home (elimination control). Employees may attend the office if there is a business-critical reason and the employee has obtained approval from their Director at least 24 hours before entering the office. Directors must advise the HR Manager; who will be working in the office to ensure that the limit of 6 employees in the office at the same time is maintained.
Over time as the risk of transmission reduces, there may be some easing of the restriction moving to a maximum of 11 employees (or visitors) in the office with a rotating schedule and possible changes in work spaces for some employees to ensure physical distancing is possible at workstations. The office will remain closed and the elevators to our floor will remain locked. Only visitors who need to provide a business-critical service in our office are permitted to enter the office.
There is no need for engineering controls (installation of barriers, plexiglass or reconfiguring of workstations) at this time.
No person is to enter our office if they:
CLEBC has developed guidelines, protocols and procedures for how employees should conduct themselves in the office.
CLEBC has clearly communicated these guidelines, protocols and procedures (rules) to employees through a combination of training, review of safety policy and signage.
Signs and notices will be posted at the entrance to and throughout the office that state:
Non-medical masks will be provided to employees for rare situations when physically distancing of 2 metres cannot be maintained for tasks (shipping, training, IT server room). Masks will also be required for any individual who has travelled within Canada but outside the Province of B.C. within 14 days before entering the office. Visitors are required to wear masks when in CLEBC office.
Occupancy limits stating the maximum number of people allowed in each area of the office will be posted outside all meeting rooms, kitchen, washrooms and all other common areas as follows:
The employer will ensure a physical distancing space of at least two metres between employee workstations wherever possible.
Where physical distancing is not possible, the employer will determine which positions may work from home, and determine a regular rotation between employees so that a minimum of two metres exists between every employee while working in their workstation.
Employees who develop flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat, and/or muscle aches must immediately report it to their supervisor or Human Resources Manager and go home or remain at home. They should then:
Employees may need to isolate for 14 days at home, depending on the outcomes and advice of their doctor or health professional.
The office will be closed and cleaned should an employee or visitor test positive after being in the office.
In the event that an employee or other person, who has been in contact with a CLEBC employee, is diagnosed with COVID-19, CLEBC will:
Employees are encouraged to walk, drive or take a taxi to work (avoid public transit). Parking will be provided in the building.
Only visitors who need to provide a business-critical service on CLEBC premises are permitted to enter the office. Visitors must wear a mask in our office and sanitize hands upon entry.
Visits to CLEBC premises must be prearranged. Safety protocols are to be communicated to visitors by email before entry to CLEBC premises and signage has been posted at entrance door.
The Human Resources Manager and Director of the department that is being served is to be cc’d on the email. Email to visitors: Email Communication to Visitors.docx
The following precautions must take place while in the CLEBC office and managers must ensure employees follow safe working procedures and protocols, specifically:
How to use a mask:
Help prevent the spread of COVID-19_ How to use a mask.pdf
Protocols and processes for courier and mail deliveries
Employees are directed to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Hand washing
Employees must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer when entering the office and after touching a surface (elevator button, door handle, light switches, refrigerator handle, common area table, desk or counter, etc.) and always after coughing, sneezing, or blowing their noses. Directions are to wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or, if soap and water are not available, to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Proper hand washing:
Help prevent the spread of COVID-19 Wash your hands.pdf
Cough and Sneeze Etiquette
Employees are expected to follow cough/sneeze etiquette, which is a combination of measures that minimizes the transmission of diseases via droplet or airborne routes. Cough/sneeze etiquette includes:
Our building managers have ensured that enhanced cleaning occurs each night and throughout the building.
Employees in the office will clean high touch areas daily, at 8:30 a.m. and at 4:30 p.m., including:
Employees will be supplied with cleaning and disinfectant supplies for self-cleaning during the day.
Employees will regularly sanitize their desks, keyboards, phones, and other items in their work area.
Employees will clean/sanitize any other office equipment after they use it.
CLEBC’s Work from Home Policy must be followed.
Employees who work alone must check in with their manager or a buddy at the start and end of their day.
Employees have the support and tools they need to ensure their workstation is set up correctly.
Next steps in the communication and training include:
We will continue to monitor our workplace and update our safety plan as necessary. We will not be returning to the office over the summer and there is no decision to return to our office, other than some possible easing of the number of employees that may attend the office at one time. We will review and update the Safety Plan in the fall.
Employees who have a health and safety concern are to notify their manager or the Human Resources Manager.
When resolving safety issues, we will involve employee health and safety representatives