CLEBC Indigenous and Aboriginal Law Courses

Practice Point



Aboriginal Law Conference 2024
November 22, 2024
This annual conference brings together leading Aboriginal law practitioners to address current and emerging issues with a focus on BC.


Gladue in Practice 2024
July 4 and 5, 2024
This course is designed as a practical guide to every stage of the Gladue report lifecycle. We will examine current best practices for report writing on a provincial and national level and welcome collaboration on future endeavours for enhancing the effectiveness of Gladue in practice.

Indigenous Legal Orders Conference 2024: Language, Culture, and Transforming Legal Institutions
June 14, 2024
This conference will be of interest to anyone involved in legal issues respecting Indigenous peoples and to everyone interested in building constructive partnerships in Canada.

Indigenous Real Estate 2024
May 7, 2024
Explore a broad spectrum of topics within the real estate space to provide context, technical knowledge, best and culturally aligned practices for real estate transactions, leasing, development, joint ventures, financing, and more.

Aboriginal Law Conference 2023*
November 24, 2023
The Aboriginal Law Conference will focus on the legal and pragmatic implications of current developments affecting Indigenous peoples, provincial and federal governments, and industry.

Indigenous Legal Orders Conference 2023*
June 15 and 16, 2023
This conference will be of interest to anyone involved in legal issues respecting Indigenous peoples, and to everyone interested in building constructive partnerships in Canada.

Child Protection: Advanced Topics Conference 2023*
April 28, 2023
This conference will focus on advanced topics; how to handle the toughest situations you face in your daily work. We will also review the latest developments in Indigenous child welfare.

Indigenous Governance & Economic Development 2023*
April 26, 2023
We will explore how to develop potential best practices for economic development models and structures in the context of industry, technology, services sectors, construction, land development, and finance.

Aboriginal Law Conference 2022*
November 25, 2022
The Aboriginal Law Conference will focus on the legal and pragmatic implications of current developments affecting Indigenous peoples, provincial and federal governments, and industry. Join us in person or via webinar for this essential update.

Negotiating Free Prior and Informed Consent Agreements 2022*
October 7, 2022
Free Prior and Informed Consent (“FPIC”) is an expression of Indigenous jurisdiction and law. The obligation to consult and cooperate in good faith to obtain FPIC is the Crown’s, but proponents realize they must comply for projects to succeed. FPIC, and consent in general, is a relational, ongoing process, not a one-time “yes” or “no.” Nations and project proponents looking to implement consent-based decision-making models need to understand the mechanics of a negotiated FPIC agreement. Join the experts and learn how to successfully negotiate FPIC/UNDRIP-compliant agreements.

Indigenous Women and the Law Conference 2022*
Original Course Date: May 27, 2022
This free conference will explore the intersection of gender, race, and the law, and how this impacts the lives of Indigenous women and girls. The conference will draw on the findings and recommendations of the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Inquiry and of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).

Gladue: A New Approach 2022*
Original Course Dates: April 28 and 29, 2022
How can the principles of Gladue be applied more effectively? What can practitioners do to come closer to fulfilling the vision for Gladue? How is the BC First Nations Justice Council supporting Gladue report writers and promoting earlier application of Gladue principles? How does Legal Aid BC support legal aid lawyers in the application of Gladue principles? Join us in an exploration of best practices and community collaboration in this important area.

Aboriginal Law Conference 2021*
Original Course Date: November 4, 2021
The Aboriginal Law Conference will focus on the legal and pragmatic implications of current developments affecting Indigenous peoples, provincial and federal governments, and industry.

Confronting Racism in the Criminal Justice System 2021*
Original Course Date: June 2, 2021
At this course, we will walk through where, when, and how systemic racism, unconscious and conscious bias, micro-aggressions, and white privilege exist at each stage of the criminal justice system—from policing to charge assessment, in the bail process, in trials, and at sentencing. We will explore how this impacts decisions and proceedings and the ways we can interrupt negative outcomes.

Government-to-Government Agreements & Implementation 2021*
Original Course Date: April 30, 2021
How do “reconciliation agreements” change what happens across land- and water-scapes? There are many government-to-government agreements between Indigenous Nations and the Province of BC. How those agreements are expressed in provincial law, or how they change state law, remains largely a mystery to most communities and lawyers. We will use case studies, including the Great Bear Rainforest agreements, to explore how the provincial government implements conservation-based reconciliation agreements.

Aboriginal Law Conference 2020: Governing in the Time of COVID-19*
Original Course Date: November 27, 2020
The focus of this conference is on the legal and pragmatic implications of current developments affecting Indigenous peoples, provincial and federal governments, and industry.

Wrapping Our Ways: Indigenous Child Welfare Conference 2020*
Original Course Date: Spring 2020 (various dates)
Presented by ShchEma-mee.tkt (Our Children) Project, in collaboration with CLEBC, with thanks to The Law Foundation and Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs.

UNDRIP in BC: Business Impacts and Opportunities*
Original Course Date: January 31, 2020
This legislative change will have significant impacts on all economic sectors in BC. Come hear the insights of experts in each field as they discuss the potential ramifications of the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act.

Gladue Submissions*
Original Course Date: November 15 & 16, 2018 
Your fundamental guide to Gladue rights, principles, factors, reports, and submissions.

Aboriginal Law Conference 2019*
Original Course Date: November 1, 2019
This conference will focus on the legal and pragmatic implications of current developments affecting Indigenous peoples, provincial and federal governments, and industry.

Indigenous Laws Conference*
Original Course Date: October 25 & 26, 2018
Learn from scholars and practitioners of Indigenous law about the legal principles and concepts underlying Indigenous legal orders.

Cultural Competency for Lawyers*
Original Course Date: September 17 & 18, 2018 
This course will provide you with skills-based training in intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights, and anti-racism.

* These courses are now available in Courses on Demand. Subscribe today!