[Updated: June 23, 2020]
We are pleased to inform you that we will resume shipping print updates this summer!
The following updates are scheduled for release. You will be notified via email with more information. Expect to receive your print update along with an invoice from CLEBC on or near the dates listed next to the book title.
British Columbia Probate and Estates Administration Practice Manual (July 10)
Annotated Family Practice (July 15)
British Columbia Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Practice Manual (July 21)
British Columbia Real Estate Practice Manual (July 24)
British Columbia Family Practice Manual (July 29)
British Columbia Estate Planning and Wealth Preservation (August 6)
British Columbia Strata Property Practice Manual (August 10)
Annotated Estates Practice (August 13)
Injunctions: British Columbia Law and Practice (August 24)
Due Diligence Deskbook (August 31)
[March 30, 2020]
These are difficult times as we all try to adjust to carrying on business while working remotely. For the next three months (April to June), CLEBC will be updating the online versions of the following books, but will not be printing and shipping the print updates:
British Columbia Strata Property Practice Manual
British Columbia Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Practice Manual
Annotated Estates Practice 2020
British Columbia Family Practice Manual
British Columbia Estate Planning and Wealth Preservation
Annotated Family Practice 2020-2021
Injunctions: British Columbia Law and Practice 3rd edition
British Columbia Probate and Estate Administration Practice Manual
British Columbia Real Estate Practice Manual
With your standing orders, you will continue to have access to the online version of the book(s). You will not be invoiced for your standing order(s) until CLEBC is able to print and ship the print update(s) to you. We are taking this step as it is important to CLEBC that you continue to have access to the practice manuals you need right now.
When the situation settles, we will contact you to let you know the date that the print updates will be available and when to expect an invoice from CLEBC.
CLEBC is thankful for your continued support and we all look forward to returning to “business as usual”.
Best regards,
Laura Selby
Director of Publications