Will It Ever End? Child Support Obligations for Children Over 19 in the Age of Delayed Adulthood

Practice Point


Will It Ever End? Child Support Obligations for Children Over 19 in the Age of Delayed Adulthood

Author: Karen F. Redmond
Current to: July 2023

Practice Point November 2023

Here to sharpen your legal skills is our latest Practice Point.

As part of CLEBC Online Course Materials, “Will It Ever End? Child Support Obligations for Children Over 19 in the Age of Delayed Adulthood” was prepared by Karen F. Redmond of Redmond Family Law for this summer’s 14th Annual Biennial Family Law Conference.

This paper provides guidance on child support obligations for adult children in this age of delayed adulthood. It discusses the changing family structure and the impact of mental health issues on young adults’ ability to become independent.

What is the corresponding impact on families — specifically separated parents — when these young adults remain financially dependent? The scope of this paper is to examine how our courts are responding to this change in demographic when the children cannot withdraw from the charge of their parents.

If you practice family law, you don’t want to miss this extremely topical paper!

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